Saturday, April 12, 2008


what is brave? i think
she's a coward.
take some

words from 3 directions.

they give me that flight or flight feeling.
(yes, i know i repeated myself.)
they make my heart beat faster.
i almost feel like i'm about to cry.
my body wants to pace in circles.
my head says it would rather curl up into an invisible little ball.
and roll under the bed.
to hide.

i don't choose to fight.
it just happens.
even when i want to fly.

especially when i want to fly.

east, west and south.

north is missing.

north is the direction.
it's where we find ourself when we are lost.
on the road. in life.

north is courage.

north is guts. and boldness.
(sprinkled with a little bit of selective-selective memory, for good measure.)

north is belief in myself.

north is worthiness to accept the rewards.
and dignity to face the criticism.

north is knowing that none of that matters.
then adding a cup or 2 of gratitude, anyway.

this north cannot be found.
it needs to just be known.
once north is known
you can find your way out of

...or into...


i do know
( that know in your head, but can't/won't accept it into your heart kind of way...)
that learning to know north is part of my journey.

where can I buy a box of courage?
where's that wizard when you need him?


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Aluguel de Computadores, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Anonymous said...

i love your frankness.
and the
streeeeeAMMMM = floW of your piece.

thank you.

Anonymous said...

i just rec'd your glorious feedBACK.

i responded on my blog!

i found YOU thru the fab Miss SuziBLu.
who i found thru the diVINE Miss Sabrina Ward Harrison.
(do you know of her ?!!)

p.s. re the Wizard > i relate. i feel like MY *Wizard* quota is backed-up a whoLE helluva Lot.

ps~ i 'favorited' you befORE you even commented on mine. ++GRIN.

mercury said...

oh yes! I know Sabrina!
(not personally, of course.)

I think she gets credit for lighting the initial fire under my butt after reading/viewing/pouring/obsessing over Spilling Open.

switch said...

did write this?

its amazing.

thank you.

I'm not sure why I'm mentioning this to you, but have you seen the movie Amelie? Somehow I think you might like it.

mercury said...

funny you should mention Amilie, Fern... two of the lines at the top came from it :o)

and yes... I finally sat down and watched it about 6 months ago, after renting it twice and then borrowing it from the library a few times.

Loved it! (and I'm sorry I let those subtitles intimidate me for so long.)

mercury said...

also: thank YOU! ;o)