That's me, over there. <<< I'm the vivid image. The background photo is mom. Both were taken many, many moons ago, but only recently compiled as a reminder of all that I owe her.
I won't go into details... let's just say it's a love/hate kind of thing. I'm working on getting closer to the love and eliminating the other stuff. It's not really hate... just mass confusion. She's a difficult woman to know and sometimes very difficult to love.
I've created this space, more or less, to share my artwork. I call my art "Mercurial" because I never know what's going to come out of me. Each thing I create is vastly different from the creation before. It keeps life interesting... Mercurial :o)
I really like the way you've put these together, Merc. You are very creative!
Thank you so much, zeebs. Everyone's creative... we just all have different outlets :o)
Hola! Nice bloggins. Working over 'blank' books and making lil booklike things is so fun...
I have an art gallery of my paintings and journal scribbles at
...thanks for the comment on RUBY's wonderful journals. Aren't they something, I'm sure there's SO many things like that which folks have made over the years, and I felt lucky to find such a charming TYPED one, originally I despaired over missing photos and such (as there were a LOT missing from 1935, for instance, but NOW, after having painfully and slowly uploaded it here, I felt that it was plenty full enough of imagery!
Keep filling those journal pages!
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