every so often, i get to wondering about people from my past that i haven't seen or heard of in ages.
so i google them.
most times it turns up nothing, but every so often i find a golden nugget.
take, for instance, the last time this urge struck me:
i googled a couple old boyfriends. nothing. though, i did find a lot of information about the wife of one of them.
i googled some old girlfriends... harder to track down with marriages and name changes and all that... still nothing.
a couple old bosses. mostly the mean ones. nothing. maybe they're dead?
just as i'm about to give up and move on to something else to interest my imagination, i enter one last name. nothing.
i decide to check images.
hit #2 and #3 are the
jackpot!i did this weeks ago, but i'm still giggling about what i found.
he's standing there, holding a beer in a red cup (it matched his shirt and socks! or maybe tights?)
wearing lederhosen! and he's with friends; also wearing lederhosen.
personally, i think the black leather motorcycle jacket and combat boots suited him better.
(i'm still debating about whether or not to re-post the picture...)