After my latest experience with yet another of the useless overpriced pieces of crap I purchased from one of your establishments, I have to wonder, to the point of actually taking the time to type this out, if selling overpriced pieces of crap was the goal you set at the beginning of operations. If so, feel free to consider your venture a full blown success.
My latest experience involves a washing machine that was purchased from your Ypsilanti store in November. Correction… involves TWO (2) washing machines that were purchased in November. The first one was returned because it was a piece of crap right out of the box.
I brought the brand spanking new GE washing machine (hereafter known as: piece of crap!) into my home, hooked it up to the water supply and tried to run a load of laundry. The washer would not complete that first cycle. THE VERY FIRST CYCLE! My options were to return the piece of crap, or wait 10 days for someone to come out and fix the piece of crap that didn’t work on it’s VERY FIRST LOAD! I opted to return the piece of crap, assuming that it was just a $452.60 piece of crap that would give me a lifetime of crap performance.
So, that piece of crap was disconnected, loaded back into our van and delivered back to your store for a prompt replacement. A prompt replacement was not available in your Ypsilanti store, so a prompt refund was requested. We (obviously wrongly) assumed that a prompt refund would be handled as promptly as our payment to you was. The payment was processed through my bank before the washer arrived in my home…. less than a 20 minute drive from your store. Quite prompt, if you ask me. The credit took almost a week to hit my account, which I don’t consider to be prompt, at all.
In the meantime, while we waited for that prompt credit, several checks and other transactions on our bank account were returned for non-sufficient funds. I had quite sufficient funds, except that The Home Depot in Ypsilanti didn’t process the $452.60 credit as promptly as they processed the $452.60 payment, which made me look like a rubber-check-writing-scumbag to other retailers and creditors. Thank you. I appreciate it. A whole bunch. I also really appreciate the $165 additional, in returned check charges, that the piece of crap ended up costing me due to either the promptness of your staff or the shadiness of a company policy that’s eager to take money for selling pieces of crap, but not so eager to return those funds when the product turns out to be…. surprise!…. a piece of crap.
Now, the replacement piece of crap, made by Whirlpool and purchased at another Home Depot store, turns out to be as big of a piece of crap as the first one. After only 2 months of successful operation, it chose this morning to crap out. I wonder how much my water bill will be after the piece of crap filled and simultaneously drained itself for over 2 hours?
More recently, we purchased a space heater, also from the location in Ypsilanti. It worked for a WHOLE week before it turned into a piece of crap by burning a hole in itself and nearly burning our house down. When we tried to return it, we were told that there was nothing wrong with it. My husband had to point out the GIANT hole burned through the bottom of the unit to your associate, who was also quite miffed that the box didn't come back with the heater. Unfortunately, there’s not much chance that you can resell that one as “new” to some unsuspecting sucker who doesn’t realize that you seem to sell only returned, repackaged items in your stores.
Currently, I’m anticipating the hot water heater, that we bought from your establishment the same day as the first piece of crap washing machine, to explode in my basement at any second. When it does, I’ll forward the bills and related expenses. Until then, I plan on keeping my distance from any big brick buildings with bright orange signs on top. It’s been a lovely relationship, but it’s time to end it.
The Springers